August Candle Club ~ Stellar ♌️ Lion ~ Katia Pérez Fuentes ~ Catherine Mcquaid

I am beyond excited to share this month's candle club collaboration with you. My writer is a long time healer and friend of mine, Catherine, and she brought in a colleague named Katia to make art for our intention and right away the sun ☀️ sparks were flying.
Our candle is an energetic Leo sunny spell for stepping into your authentic self.
Katia created art for the candle under a new moon during the day and hour of the sun.
Catherine wrote a passage to guide us (also on day, an hour of the sun) and astrologically, elected a potent solar election window, with which to infuse the candles, with solar power, Reiki and psychic visualization.
Liz and I poured the candles on the day of the sun as instructed by our astrologists and they are made with Ginger ~ Rosemary ~ Lemon and Orange to bring aromatherapy power to our group intention 💛
Read more below for our meditation from Catherine and about my star collaborators this month ♌️
Close your eyes. Lift your face:- the hot and dry August winds at the height of Summer are upon us and the proverbial Stellar Lion steps forward imploring us to don our Crowns of Gold and royal vestments of yellow and Golden silk. The Sun has come home to his seat as the Eye of the World! Illuminator of the sky! Lord of the Fire of the World! Fountain of Light!
The Sun, when in the zodiac sign of Leo, is known as being in the Temple of the Sky; His inherent Domicile or Home. Leo as a Fire signs brings action, vision and the Spirit of Freedom emblazoned on his heart. The Sun in Leo asks for each of us to harness our most authentic radiant self- expression hewn from our own resources of self -love and personal strength and to courageously take to the stage and spotlight of our own lives. The individualized core of who you are in all your authentic aliveness and radical self acceptance, is deeply embedded within this Leo Season as we find Venus copresent with the Sun also in Leo moving through her 40 day and 40 night regeneration (retrogradation) cycle of being reborn from an Evening Star into a Morning Star. This cycle, She implores us to step out of the box with her Uranian interactions accentuating the need to become the main character of our own story.
Be a bit extra, surrender to childlike wonder, be unapologetically bold, make choices that indulge your heart, have candor and courage. Let’s embark on an August of serendipity, adventure and joyful presence. May the road rise to greet you and may the Sun shine warm upon your face. Rawr.
~ Catherine
✿ Our Astro Artist! ✿
Katia Pérez Fuentes is a creative problem solver who helps people embody their celestial design. Their practice is dedicated to leisure as a form of resilience and self-actualization. KPF is informed by their intersectional identity as a non-binary person of color and approaches their work with a trauma-aware perspective. They facilitate ‘Daydreaming’ sessions integrating, astrology, hypnosis, and psychic arts.
Astrologer, Artist, & Consultant //
@kpfkpf on all platforms
✿ Our Reiki Master and Writer ✿
Catherine Mcquaid has been a licensed massage therapist for the last 18 years with a BS/MS in Health Sciences and runs a thriving private practice at The Castle Rockaway in NY. Through her studies in energetic therapies (Reiki Level 4 master, craniosacral therapy, polarity therapy, accupressure, somatic therapy) she has developed her own energetic healing, Psychic Visualization. She is a graduate of Oraculos School of Astrology (traditional, cosmobiology, horary) and has also studied with Nina Gryphon (Magical elections STA), Meira Epstein (Uranian), Kirah Sutherland (medical) and Amanda Moreno. She is a Quabbalistic Tarot practitioner (OSA) and aromatherapist. Catherine strives to legitimize astrology as an empirical science which can improve our lives through radical self acceptance and learning how to flow with the cosmic river of life.