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Leo Every time I’ve hugged someone while wearing this scent, they’ve been like, “whoa, I love the way you smell” ;)
BeatrixMcG It's hard to stress how amazing this scent is. At once earthy and ethereal it takes you to another world. I came on this site to send a bottle to my best friend. I love knowing we'll be walking around with the same scent
Alex I am very picky about scents. I can never make up my mind about which scent is right for me. I came across Goldie's stand in Rockaway this past September and something about Cleopatra clicked.
I'm pretty low-maintenance in my beauty routine. I'm not a crisp pleats, coiffed hair, botox and fillers kind of gal. I'm urban by experience but a treehugger in my heart and this scent gets me.